Army rules
Martial Ka’tah
Each time a unit from your army with this ability is selected to fight, select one of the Ka’tah Stances below. Until that unit has finished making its attacks, the selected Stance is active for it and it gains the relevant ability.
Melee weapons equipped by models in this unit have the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability.
Melee weapons equipped by models in this unit have the [LETHAL HITS] ability
Talons of the Emperor
- ANATHEMA PSYKANA units from your army
gain the following the ability:
**Null Aegis (Aura):**
While an ADEPTUS CUSTODES unit is within 6″ of this unit, models in that unit have the Feel No Pain 5+ ability against Psychic Attacks and mortal wounds.
- All other ADEPTUS CUSTODES units from
your army gain the following ability:
**Deadly Unity (Aura):**
While an ANATHEMA PSYKANA unit is within 6″ of this unit, each time a model in that ANATHEMA PSYKANA unit makes an attack, add 1 to the Hit roll.
Only CHARACTERS can be given Enhancements and your army cannot include more than three Enhancements in total. No unit can have more than one Enhancement and each Enhancement included in your army must be unique. EPIC HEROES cannot be given any Enhancements. Your army cannot include the same EPIC HERO more than once.
Aegis Projector (20pts)
ADEPTUS CUSTODES model only. Once per turn, the first time a saving throw is failed for the bearer’s unit, change the Damage characteristic of that attack to 0.
Champion of the Imperium (25pts)
**ADEPTUS CUSTODES** model only. The range of the bearer’s Null Aegis or Deadly Unity ability is increased to 9".
Gift of Terran Artifice (15pts)
**ADEPTUS CUSTODES** model only. Each time the bearer makes a melee attack, add 1 to the Wound roll.
Radiant Mantle (30pts)
ADEPTUS CUSTODES model only. Each time an attack targets the bearer’s unit, if the attacking model is within 12″, subtract 1 from the Hit roll.